Monday, September 04, 2006


I'm gonna miss that guy. It’s a very sad day for environmentalists, all kinds of nature-lovers, and crocodile enthusiasts as Steve Irwin, “The Crocodile Hunter,” died of a sting ray spine. He gained so much attention for hunting crocodiles. With his typical Australian accent, people all over the world watched him go on risky wildlife adventures. He made learning about the wild so much fun for all the people. I always loved watching his show and marveling at how close he could get to dangerous animals, and yet stay in control to the point where he (almost never) got hurt. Even if you weren’t really into the wildlife before, if you saw him on T.V., you gained some sort of interest in what he did.

Steve Irwin died doing what he loved best, getting too close to one of the dangerous animals he dedicated his life to protecting with an irrepressible, effervescent personality that propelled him to global fame as television’s “Crocodile Hunter.” He was killed by a sting ray while filming a documentary on “Ocean’s Deadliest” in the Great Barrier Reef.. He does leave his wife and two children behind. Hopefully, his story will bring inspiration to many other wild life enthusiasts and that the world will continue to learn more about our environment, conservation and protecting our wildlife.

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