Sunday, July 30, 2006

colors and their impacts

Hello to everyone!

Two weeks ago I spent an interesting day in a course where people talked about stage fright, stage presence and colors. Before you even manage to say a word to another person, he/she has already formed a picture about you. Colors seem to have an important role. My favorite colors are blue, purple, pink, white, black and beige. The colors that you like affect on you and the others around you also psychologically and physically. Positive qualities come out more than negative ones. There are 11 main colors:

Positive qualities: funny, trustworthy, self confident, exciting
Negative qualities: aggressive, domineering, threatening
Use in occasions where you want people to notice you.

Positive qualities: feminine, friendly, easy to approach, non-threatening
Negative qualities: insecure, cautious, insignificant

Positive qualities: calm, trustworthy, balanced, organized
Negative qualities: boring, conservative
Is always a secure choice to every occasion.

Positive qualities: social, homey
Negative qualities: cautious, boring, common
Easy to approach.
Less threatening color.

Positive qualities: happy, hopeful, active, spontaneous
Negative qualities: impulsive
Cheers up yourself and the others around you.
The best color if you want to be recognized in a crowd.
Children's favorite color.

Positive qualities: self confident, balanced, caring
Negative qualities: stubborn, boring, reluctant to take risks
Balancing and reassuring effect on environment.

Positive qualities: social, enthusiastic, funny, spontaneous, energetic
Negative qualities: dreamer, shallow
Doesn't look good in official occasions.

Positive qualities: imaginative, sensitive, unselfish
Negative qualities: childish, arrogant
Dark purple gives reasonable and credible image.

Positive qualities: neutral, balanced, respected
Negative qualities: cautious, insecure, reserved

Positive qualities: formal, sophisticated, mysterious, strong
Negative qualities: lifeless, sad, negative
Not easy to approach.

Positive qualities: clean, refreshing, futuristic
Negative qualities: cold
White gives neutral and reasonable image.
Ivory is always safer than totally white color.

What are your favorite colors? And what do you think about this?

Have a pleasant end of the week

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